Monday, July 12, 2010


I recently just came back from camp! it was AMAZING!!! i hope i can go next year! and the year after that and the year after that... (etc.)

Camp is not all what its cracked up to be. sure, there are fires and games and sleeping in tents sometimes but it pretty much stops there! This year i went to LAKE ANN CAMP for Fresh Start!!! i loved it!

First we hung around and slept in a Tee Pee! how cool is that! i loved it though it was a bit dirty and there were a few bugs. i'm okay with bugs but when my friend whitni sees a spider... "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! SPIDER!!!!!"
"It's only a daddy long-legs?!"
"Kill it! It doesn't deserve to live!!!"

i still love her! even with her aracniphobia! (i didn't spell that rite!)

So, after sleeping in a Tee Pee we went RAFTING!!!! WOO! it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! we ALL fell in at least ONCE....or twice. And if you play games in the middle of a river, when u lose, you will jump in or be pushed in ( i learned the hard way *cough cough* HANNAH!)

It was SO beautiful! We were all singing a song together on the top of this really tall cliff-ish rafine-ish thing that goes down into the river and a BALD EAGLE flew by! it was SO COOL!

No offense to those none naturey people (well, a little offense) but being outside in nature ROCKS! i mean, im in cross country and all and i run okay fast but when im outside in a grassy field with no shoes I feel like im literally AIR! i love the feeling!

Anyhoo, even tho we did hav to ride for 8-9 hrs to get back it was a fun ride. I sat by my best friend (well of them ;) and all my other friends and played card games and txted and other stuff that teenagers do when they're all cramped into one bus.....with suckish AC.

I love camping and i wish i could do it more often! the more im outside the happier i am! Except around summerish fall when my allergies kick in XP blegh!

If you wanna find me in a good mood, find me outside in the middle of the nite lookin up at the stars!

AND....just to be's a little part of a story that i got from a dream:

The creature rose from the darkness. It's skin was ghostly white and oozing with a strange coat of clear slime. It's body was snake-like and was at least sixty to seventy feet long. It's circular mouth had three rows of inch-long needle sharp teeth. One bite or jab with those teeth and I would transport back to the facility.
Surely I couldn't have been the only one to transport to the abandoned warehouse? The creature's black eyes had found me. The foot-long dagger in my hand felt like a toy compared to the beast. The two throwing blades in my belt would hardly scratch the pasty skin.
A flash behind me and suddenly Seth was standing in the light of the sun, slightly disheveled and holding a four-foot long silver sword. The creature's eyes glanced in his direction.
I used the distraction to spring from my spot and onto the creature's slimy back. I hooked the dagger into his skin and held on for dear life. The beast roared with anger and shook its leech-like head in anger.
"The Corruptor!" cried Seth. I looked up just in time to see a small iron hoop fly in my direction. I caught it in my free hand as Seth tried to draw the creature's attention away from it's oncoming death.
I wretched the dagger from the pearly skin and carved a neat circle of flesh on the creature's back. I lifted the flap of skin and was about to touch the Corruptor with the beast's under-flesh when i felt a quick jab on my back. I spun my head around.
The tail of the creature had been barbed. It was thrashed around so much the tail had jabbed me in the arm leaving a trail of blood behind. Immediately my body filled with searing hot pain. I felt like being burned alive from the inside out. My thoughts flew to Seth. I was only moments away from transporting back to the facility to report my failure. Would Seth make it out of this alive?
I had no time to find an answer. The world went black and my body seemed to fall into a never ending pit. The feeling of transporting was alien to me. I felt the Corruptor slip from my hand and I wondered if it would return to Seth. My feet landed hard on a tiled floor and the facility surrounded me.

cool huh? ya i got that all from a dream last nite! it was an awesome dream! tell me wat ya think of it, mkk?!


P.S. If you remind me, i will write all the dreams i've had this whole week. I've been having dreams everyday and been able to remember them the next day! You'd better hurry, tho. I'm starting to forget!!! AHHHHHH!!! and i mite start drawing them! hmmmm?!

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