Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trapped in My Dreams

"Clari, Clari." A whisper so soft I barely heard it through my mixture of dreams. "Clari, wake up."

My eyes snapped open. I blinked trying to adjust to the dimness. Where am I? I took a deep breath and smelled leather, rubber, and something else. Cologne? What's going on?
I slowly turned my head. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting in the backseat of a car. The second thing was that there was someone sitting with me and they were gazing at me.
"So she finally wakes up." Said the figure with a hint of smugness that was indescribably familiar. "So how was your nap?"
"Baine." I hissed as if his name was a cursed word.
"The one and only." He said leaning forward. He reached up and turned on the light that was attached to the roof of the car. His features intensified from the shine of the light. It was a dark beauty. His long black hair curling slightly to the right looked metallic compared to his slightly tanned skin. His eyes such a deep brown they looked black were staring at me as if I were an amusing sight.
"What is going on?" I asked narrowing my eyes.
He held up his hand as if to silence me. "Don't ruin this." He murmured. "I want to get a good look at you."
Just to annoy him, I turned my head quickly so he couldn't see my face. He laughed quietly. He was trying to get me angry, to amuse him.
"So stubborn." He muttered. "I've always liked that about you." I didn't say anything. He chuckled again. "Fine. I'll answer your question if you turn around."
I thought about it for a moment then slowly turned my head. He smiled shrewdly. "That's better." I glared at him. If only looks killed...
He leaned closer and brushed a stray hair from my face. I lifted my hands trying to swat his hand away but they didn't move. I glance down and saw that my wrists had been tied together, as well as my arms.
"You tied me up?" More of an accusation than a question.
He shrugged. "A precaution. Knowing you, you wouldn't sit through this without fighting."
I felt white-hot anger course threw my veins. No doubt he tied me himself, violating my personal space. Another stray hair fell on my face. I flipped it away impatiently before Baine could.
"Alright." He leaned back in his seat and sighed. "Time for your side of the deal. To make a long story short, me and my father need you for a little...experiment."
I stiffened, my anger gone. He and his father meaning his father's crazy plan for a powerful army and his ability to get what he wants. I suddenly felt cold, though my back was sweating from the humidity.
"What do you mean?" My voice no longer sounded steady or angry, but timid and afraid.
He smiled wider. "You know what we mean. There are hundreds upon thousands of other Meliorns like us." My eyes narrowed even further. "But there is no one like you."
I started shaking uncontrollably. Not again, please not again! "Why me? Why me?" I asked my voice rising to a scream.
"I just told you why. You're extraordinarily unique. You've been through this before." His eyes peered through me as though he could read my mind.
"Please," I sobbed though no tears would come. "Let me go. Get someone else."
His eyes softened and his smiled faltered. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Can't do that."
The tears finally came, streaming hot down my face. "I can'tlive like that again." I closed my eyes in defeat.
"You're going to have to." He whispered.
There was a rushing in my ears. I was angry again, no, beyond angry. I was livid. It was inside of me, like a bubbling hot magma. I wasn't going to go through this. Not again. I wasn't going to go down without a fight.
I clenched my tied hands into fists. The hot magma boiled and exploded within me. I sent all my anger, all my hatred, all my fear, towards my hands. I opened my eyes and clenched my teeth.
Baine's eyes widen, his smile slid off his face. He looked at me then my hands, now glowing red. "Clari." He said calmly. "Stop."
"I will not," I said through clenched teeth. "Go back. I will not live through that again." My hands were now gleaming a deep orange. The wire around my wrists glowed white then melted off. I flexed my arms and with my anger strengthening my, I broke the wire around my arms.
"Clari," He said louder, begging. "Stop. Please."
I opened my hands prepared to send all my fury at Baine, to see his dark face burn. But the moment I opened my hands, everything left me. My strength, anger, power had been sucked away. Only my fear remained.
My eyelids felt heavy and a fell back against my seat, exhausted. I peered up at Baine through heavy eyes.
"What...what did you do?" I gasped.
"It's the car." He said simply. He smiled cunningly but his eyes showed remorse and...affection? "I was trying to tell you it zaps your power out of you whenever you try something."
I tried to say something, anything, but I was overcome with fatigue and sorrow. The last thing I thought was that it was no use. I was going back to my nightmare of unfamiliar faces and pain. Black.

What do ya think? Yaaaa kinda long and kinda creepy but it was a dream i had friday. Ya it was definitely a nightmare. I've had the same dream everynite so far but have a feeling something different's gonna happen. Tell ya if something does!!! :D


P.S. please please please PLEASE tell me if you want me to write more. not just my dreams but also more stories that have randomly come to my mind in the middle of the day. Mkkkkk?!

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